Blogs - Boston Harbour
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Bomber leather jackets as the name suggests came from aircraft bombers. These jackets were worn by pilots. First introduced in the 1930s for pilots of fighter and bomber aircraft. These jackets are later worn by the same individuals casually. The jackets have mainly become famous for the Air Force Hollywood...

By Boston Harbour Read more

The workplace is also about making an impression in addition to just working. But while work is about everyday routine a strong impression should come around once in a while. This could be some big meeting, an event, some presentation, someone’s visit, or any other. In any of the possibilities,...

By Boston Harbour Read more

Blue is classified as a cool color for the comfort it provides to eyes upon looking. This makes its usage in almost any application very convincing let alone leather jackets. The outcome is relaxing and comforting to the eyes and facilitates the concerned purposes. Blue leather jacket men’s are one such example....

By Boston Harbour Read more
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